Fandom: Twitch Streamer – xCatilx

Hey everyone, it’s Kernook here, coming at you with another fandom related blog post. As a Twitch streamer myself, it should be no surprise that I watch other streamers as well. That’s the nature of today’s post.

Picture it, you’re stumbling around on Twitch trying to find some content to watch. What streamer do you pick? I think we’ve all been there. In truth, finding good gameplay content has never been easier, but, it has also never been more flooded as a market.

With so many wonderful choices to pick from, it can be hard to pick and choose. Wonder no further, I’ve got a suggestion for you.

xCatilx is a twitch streamer that I’ve been following for a little while now. In an attempt to help support her content, I suggested that I should write a post on our platform to try and uplift her own.

To be absolutely clear: I approached her about this endeavor. That talk of ours inspired this post because… well… that’s what communities do, we support each other.

In any case, if you frequent the The Demented Ferrets Twitch Channel, you may have seen her own twitch channel hosted from time to time. That will continue to be true. Some of you might not have noticed though, and if so, this incredibly casual blog post is for you.

If you’re looking to find new and interesting content, stop by and say hello when xCatilx goes live. if you enjoy the content you see, click the follow button (and a few Twitch Bits for a song).

You’ll be sure to see me hanging around in the chat from time-to-time so don’t be shy. Typically, I hang around in the Sims 4 and WoW streams, but I’ve been known to jump into chat during other times too.

xCatilx takes a moment to read the chat and talk to the viewers.

Twitch Streamer – xCatilx

A word from xCatilx: “Hello, I’m Catil. I’m a stay at home mom who loves to play video games, watch documentaries, and listen to music in my spare time. I try my best to be a good person; someone that hopefully one day my kids can be proud of having as a parent. My favorite games include Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda and Sims 4. I love comedy movies, especially if they involve Adam Sandler. Feel free to stop in if you’d like and say hi! If talking in chat is stressful for you, don’t worry about it. I don’t want anyone to ever feel pressured to chat in my streams. Just hang out for awhile and enjoy the humor.”

xCatilx prides herself upon cultivating a friendly community of viewers from many walks of life. As a follower of hers, I can say with steadfast resolve that the calm and relaxed environment isn’t one you’ll want to pass up. The atmosphere is always welcoming. The community has a decent number of active regulars, and they’re all friendly folks.

With a robust weekly schedule that runs from Monday – Thursday from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST, if you like to see consistency out of the streamers you watch, then you’ll find it here. Content spans the gambit from casual sandbox games to MMORPG’s.

There’s a little something for everyone, and if you enjoy Fallout 76, then this twitch clip should brighten your day. Juggling a body or two has never been so downright amusing.

Rag-doll mechanics ahoy!

As you can see from her Twitch channel, and the chat, she’s motivated to support good causes such as helping to support veterans or service members in crisis. That’s actually one of the reasons I was so motivated to do this blog post.

Every time I’ve watched one of her streams, without fail, there’s always been some sort of good cause or important event that she feels the need to support in some small way.

Streamers who use their platforms for good things like that, are streamers that speak to me as a viewer. She spreads awareness of these events in welcome and reasonable ways. She leaves it in your hands, basically. The information is there if you want to know more, but if you don’t that’s perfectly okay too.

Personally, I cannot compliment her style of streaming enough.

As a streamer, she interacts with her viewers. We’ve all spoken about a wide range of topics to pass the time during gameplay, and we’ve had quite a few good laughs too. You can redeem channel points to have xCatilx take her glasses off for a short time. You can also have her flip game controls around, adding to the fun. Honestly, there’s all kinds of things you can do.

I’d suggest that you follow xCatilx on social media to see when she goes live for a stream. You’ll see a few other interesting pieces of content there too. By the way, that’s where I first found out about that Fallout 76 clip.

As a wife, mother, and pet owner, she’s about as down-to-earth as you can get. Fun times mix with the benefit of life’s perspective. She’s relatable, and more than that she’s kind.

As an Twitch Affiliate level streamer, she keeps her advertisement breaks minimal. She also tends to warn us ahead of time if she sees that one is about to play. That’s a nice courtesy, and I wish more streamers would do that.

Alright guys, gals, and others. That’s about it from me today. Seriously though, if you’re in need of a chill place to relax with entertaining gameplay content, go say hello and check out her social media and live streams.

In the meantime, this has been Kernook from The Demented Ferrets, where stupidity is at its finest and level grinds are par for the course. I’ll see you next time.

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